Saturday 18 November 2017

title - Was Transformers 3 once named "Dark Side of the Moon"?

I just
noticed that rel="nofollow">Transformers 3 is named: "Dark of the Moon". I've never seen
the movie, but I firmly believe that the trailers named it "Dark Side of the

Was it renamed at a later date, because of
similarities to the Pink Floyd album?

class="post-text" itemprop="text">

Many journalists have
got the name wrong, and apparently some characters refer to the dark side of the moon,
but I can't find any evidence that Transformers 3 was ever named
Dark Side of the Moon.

The earliest
Google News result for "Transformers 3" and "dark side of the moon" is from href="">September
12, 2010 and says:

"Transformers 3", aka "Transformers: Dark of the Moon", the latest film in the
hit ... the dark side of the moon, confirming that mankind is not alone in the

The end of the
trailer shows the current title as well.

The next results
are all from 6th, 7th and 8th October 2010, after the title was first revealed. from href="">Oct
6, 2010:

Transformers 3 To Be Called Transformers: The Dark Of The

If you thought titles didn't get much
worse than Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, brace yourself,
because it looks like the third movie is going to be called something even more
ludicrous. href="">Collider
confirmed today that the movie previously known only as Transformers
, will bear the title Transformers: The Dark of the
. No, not The Dark Side of the Moon-- that would
make too much sense. It's just The Dark of the Moon, and other than
being a vague nod to the extraterrestrial origins of the Autobots and Decepticons, I
have no idea what it could possibly mean.

said earlier the same day:


Transformers 3
now has its official title and that title is: Transformers: The Dark of the
. href="">TFW2005
first discovered the title through the listing of some upcoming movie tie-in novels,
“Transformers: The Dark of the Moon – Secret of the Autobots“, “Transformers:
The Dark of the Moon – Autobots Betrayed!“
, and “Transformers: The
Dark of the Moon: Invasion of the Decepticons”
(all three novels are set to
be released on May 17, 2011). We have now confirmed the title with sources close to the

Even earlier that
day href="">TFW2005

Transformers 3 Title

Some upcoming books listed at the
Amazon revealed what might possibly be, the Title of the 3rd Transformers

The books are to be released (May 17, 2011) very
near the release date of Transformer 3 (July 1, 2011). The author
of the books is official and has written books for the 2007 Movie and ROTF. The
publisher is none other than HarperColins, which produced similar books for both

No need of spoiler tags, here's the possible
Transformers 3 Title...

Transformers: The Dark Of The

Update (Yes, an update
already) : There is a movie website domain name href="">registered
on 13th September this year. It's href="">
The domain is registered by the same people who registered both the 2007 Transformers
movie and ROTF Domains on behalf of Paramount & Dreamworks.

TFW2005, Bringing Transformers 3 News...

Hmm, well seems knew the name in advance, a day before the domain was registered in
September, but strange the other sites didn't cotton on when it was big news in October.
Surely they will have seen the same teaser trailer (though perhaps the actual trailer
video was updated later). And it's possible they went back and put in the full title
once it was known, as href="">others
have href="">done.

any case, I don't see any evidence for Dark Side of the

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