Monday 20 November 2017

ridley scott - How to explain the discrepancies between the end of Prometheus and the beginning of Alien?

At the end of rel="noreferrer">Prometheus, the alien that Elizabeth Shaw extracted from
her womb kills the Engineer. Later on, a primary form of alien xenomorph is seen
bursting out of the Engineer's chest. The scene takes place in Meredith Vickers' escape
pod, stranded at a distance from the Engineers' crashed

At the beginning of href="" rel="noreferrer">Alien, the
team that explores the derelict ship discovers the body of an Engineer

alt="Enter image description here">

The corpse wears
what we now know is some sort of armor, and his chest has been damaged by an alien
xenomorph, as we later figure out.

Everything seems to
indicate that the corpse in Alien is actually the Engineer in Prometheus. However, there
are two major discrepancies:

  1. The
    Engineer is killed in the escape pod, not in his pilot

  2. The corpse in Alien is much taller than the
    Engineer in Prometheus.

What other
theory could possibly explain how a (much taller) Engineer sat in the crashed ship and
was killed by a xenomorph?


Prometheus and Alien
deliberately share a lot of themes, as well as the same universe, but they are not
directly prequel and sequel (spoilers

  1. The
    Space Jockey in Alien is old enough to be fossilised. Possibly by
    the same events that wiped out the Engineers in Prometheus (2000 years ago according to
    Shaw's carbon dating) but too close to Alien's dates to be the same

  2. The planets have different names:
    LV-223 in Prometheus and LV-426 in

  3. The planets have different
    atmospheres - LV-426 is "primordial" while LV-223 is "almost breathable" except for the
    too high CO2, which is not the case in the

  4. There are no alien
    structures on LV-426.

  5. The ship in
    Prometheus is carrying black goo vases, but no eggs. The one in Alien lots of identical
    eggs, but no black goo.

what is the same?

  1. The
    Space Jockey in Alien is a giant 'human' in a

  2. The black goo is the source of
    both the alien in Alien and the various things in Prometheus. The DNA of its victim
    species has some effect on the result, and the final result in Prometheus is approaching
    the alien from Alien.

  3. The eggs being
    carried by the crashed ship in Alien are probably the result of the black goo on
    something other than human, maybe something that layed eggs instead of giving

  4. I think that the ship in Alien
    is another attempt to wage biological warfare by the space jockeys/engineers. Either the
    eggs are before or after the black goo - both obviously went wrong so it's hard to guess
    which attempt came first.

  5. The space
    jockeys/engineers share humanity's propensity for building really stupid ways to kill
    each other, as well as our

Ridley Scott has said
that he envisions Prometheus as a trilogy, so maybe this gets tied up

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