Wednesday, 15 November 2017

plot explanation - Did Captain Jack Sparrow eat people?

In the movie
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest we see Captain Jack
Sparrow as the cannibal tribes' chieftain. Is there a back story that clarifies whether
or not Jack is a cannibal?

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I do not know if any
of the books cover that backstory. However based on the logic of the movie Jack is their
leader and they intend on eating him. In theory, so they can gain some of his
power/assist him in releasing his spirit so that it can return to the gods (become a

We do not know (in the context of the movie) how he
became leader. We do know Jack purposely ran the Black Pearl aground to escape Davy
Jones and the Kraken. One can assume that Jack would not put his crew in danger on
purpose so we can assume he did not know about the

So somehow Capt. Jack convinces the natives that
he is their leader (which we all know Jack is very good improviser). Capt. Jack, as we
all know, is not above betrayal to save his own skin (hence why he has not intervened in
the natives eating the crew).

With all this in mind, I
believe one can safely assume that Jack has figured out somehow to not actually have to
eat flesh.

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