Wednesday, 15 November 2017

php - Magento white screen of death


I am trying to compile my magento
store's code. Initially compiling was producing an error which I tracked down to the
Fooman Speedster advanced module. I removed the module entirely from my store's code and
again recompiled. The compilation successfully completed this time and all classes
(around 7500) could be seen in the/includes/src/

However after compilation, my
site's frontend is showing the white screen of death with no error being generated in
the apache error log. What is strange is that the backend is working perfectly

I have also increased my memeory limit for
php scripts to 1024M so that php running out of memory is not the

Any suggestions as to what might be the
propblem or how to go about tracking the problem/bug.


After a lot of research and testing, I have
come to the conclusion that while compiling there may be several errors that lead to the
white screen of death. These will not be visible for some reason leaving you with no
clue as to where is the problem.
In most cases - custom modules or installed
modules are the culprits. The only reliable way to debug the magento compilation is to
use the xdebug.scream = 1 in the xdebug configuration. This will scream out the error
file/reason which can then be worked upon.

better explanation could be found here:


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