Saturday 4 November 2017

multithreading - Upload sensor data from Android device to remote host


I want to develop an
Android application that satisfies the following

  • Record
    data from a sensor (for example the accelerometer) at an
    approximate rate of
    10-30 Hz.

  • Upload this raw data to a remote server (for
    example using TCP

  • The user interface
    should be minimum, just a pair of buttons to start
    or stop the recording and
    transmission of the data.

  • All the process
    should be unnoticeable for the user and keep working
    when the screen goes off
    for several hours.

  • Battery life is not critical (it
    should last several

Vision: I would
like to analyse in quasi-real time the sensor measurements of a group of users without
their intervention (apart from starting the

After some research, I could
manage to perform these tasks separately and inefficiently. I've tried classes such as
Service and IntentService, SensorEventListener, etc. I don't know if I should use
Thread, Service or IntentService for each task. Specifically, I have serious problems to
communicate them.

My questions:

  1. What class(es)
    do you recommend to use in order to solve

  2. What task should be done on each
    of them?

  3. If the tasks are performed in different entities
    (threads, services,
    intentservices, etc.), how should I intercommunicate them
    thinking about the recording and uploading

I am
asking for the best-practice structure to solve my problem. You do not need to go into
details in terms of developing/coding the

Thank you very much and feel free to
ask if something is not clear



some more research and thanks to DROIDcoder, I manage to design a skeleton for my

  • Main UI:
    Activity object presenting two buttons (start/stop) that
    will launch a Service
    with the usual startService/stopService

  • Background: Service

this is only a proposition, I add it as an edition. I will post a detailed answer when
the whole system works.

The questions
remains: can you think about a better design for the

Thanks again!


Finally what I have

Issue 1: record data from a sensor on the
background for a long period of time.
Solved using the class
Service to initialize the sensor and listen for

Issue 2: communicate the Activity
class holding the UI with the Service class.

Solved using the
startService(Intent myMessage) method from the Activity
class combined with a switch in the onStartCommand() method
from the Service class to classify the message.

Issue 3: communicate the Service class with the
Activity class.
Solved registering a custom
BroadcastReceiver in the Activity and sending
Intents from the Service. I've used it to update a progress
bar (in the Activity) during the file uploading (in the Service). An exceptional
tutorial can be found href=""

Issue 4: upload
data to a remote server.
Solved using AsyncTask
inside the Service like in href="">this

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