Friday 27 October 2017

python - KeyError not caught

I am a little confused by an error I have. I have some
code that should retrieve a json file from a database and search it for a substring,
representing a code. As I understand it, my query will have a corresponding code and
then everything goes well, or my query will not have a corresponding code, and then my
code will trigger a KeyError. I have written a try/except block catching this (expected)
KeyError, but the error is not caught. What am I missing here?

Note: I just started dabbling with
multiprocessing, is this related to that?

is the concerned code:

request_counter =
while request_counter < 3:
if ' - reduced' in
metabolite = 'reduced ' + metabolite[:-10]

cts_output = requests.get(

'KEGG/' + metabolite)
kegg_id =

metabolite_to_KEGG[bigg_id][kegg_id] = metabolite
request_counter =
except KeyError and IndexError:
if request_counter ==

request_counter = request_counter +

This block is within
a couple for loops.


Traceback (most
recent call last): File


line 119, in worker
result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "",
line 131, in getBrendaKeggs
kegg_id =
str(json.loads(cts_output.text)[0]['result'][0]) KeyError: 'result'

The above exception was the direct cause
of the following exception:

Traceback (most
recent call last): File "", line 223, in

brenda_keggs.update(bk1.get()) File
line 644, in

raise self._value KeyError:

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