Tuesday 31 October 2017

html - Closing empty tags: XHTML5 or HTML5? Why one over the other?

After reading extensively about HTML5 and XHTML5 and after
reading this post: href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3558119/are-non-void-self-closing-tags-valid-in-html5?rq=1">Are
(non-void) self-closing tags valid in HTML5? , I have got a very simple

"Is there a reason why it would be
good to serialise HTML5 as XML?"


  • the
    differences between HTML, XHTML, XML and HTML5

  • that it's
    good practice to nest elements correctly, use lower case letters, quote attributes,
    close tags etc...

  • that HTML5 has no DTD while XHTML has
    got a DTD and an XML parse

  • that if I specify a
    page as XHTML5 (HTML5 doctype + XHTML schema) some browsers might not process the page
    for minor errors

So the question

"In which case would it be good to follow
very strict XML rules when doing an HTML5

Above all when it comes to things

1) The void

            src="asdsad.jpg" /> compared with 

compared with
comparted with

Checked, download etc..

            name="vehicle" value="Car" checked> VS
name="vehicle" value="Car" checked="checked"

I just write following the HTML5 standard and implement as much common sense as possible
(lower case, good nesting) or is there A GOOD REASON for a standard company website to
be coded in XHTML5?

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