Friday 12 January 2018

c++ - inline void addTask(Task task) vs inline void addTask(const Task &task)


I used to pass
every complex structure by const & or at least by
&. But with the new std::move
semantic and all the optimizations that compilers offer today, is it still
the option to go?

Consider such


unsigned timeMS;
unsigned) = 0;
Task(unsigned timeMS, void(*function)(unsigned, unsigned))

: timeMS(timeMS),

class Timeline{

std::vector tasks;


inline void addTask1(const Task
&task){ timeline.add(Task); }
inline void addTask2(Task &task){
timeline.add(Task); }
inline void addTask3(Task task){ timeline.add(Task);

one of addTask1, addTask2, addTask3 is the way to
Assume that App::addTask() is an heavily
used method.

I guess that const
requires to create a copy, but I've learned that things are not as
simple as they look. It's enough to mention RVO ( href=""
rel="nofollow"> -
and I'm sure that there are much more things that should be taken into account (and I'm
not aware of them yet).

I know that
inline is in fact just the suggestion for compiler, rather then
an order. But does it change anything in const & vs
& vs by value

I am working with VC++ 2013, I'm not
focused on gcc too much.

P.s. Note that
App::addTask call Timeline::add which
call vector::push_back. So the parameter is
passed more then once
- should I make both
App::addTask and Timeline::add of the
same "type" (const & vs & vs
by value).

class="post-text" itemprop="text">

Whether pass by value or
const& is appropriate depends, obviously what's done next
with the object. Especially when a copy of an object is needed in some form and the
objects being passed are likely to originate from temporary objects, using pass by value
is probably preferable: when passing by value the compiler is allowed to elide the copy.
When passing by const& copy elision is not allowed (for the
copy to be elided the compiler would need to prove that creating a copy doesn't have
observable side-effects).

Of course, when
passing by value the value happens to be an lvalue, i.e., to have it moved rather than
copied, you'll need to std::move() it when passing on (the
further copy can't be elided

void addTask3(Task task)
{ timeline.add(std::move(task));

BTW, you omitted the
perfect forwarding

template             T>

void addTask4(T&& task) {

This version won't
be allowed to elide copies, either, but it may have the advantage to create a more
expensive version in-situ based on a suitable

I don't have any benchmarks to
determine the difference, though. If someone could suggest a decent way to benchmark the
differences I'm happy to add a corresponding benchmark to my suite of benchmarks and
augment this answer with the results.

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