Monday 22 January 2018

linux - What is the meaning of "POSIX"?

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What is POSIX? I have read the
and I read it every time I encounter the term. The fact is that I
never really understood what it is.

Can anyone
please explain it to me by explaining "the need for POSIX"


href="" rel="noreferrer">POSIX is a
family of standards, specified by the rel="noreferrer">IEEE, to clarify and make uniform the application
programming interfaces (and ancillary issues, such as commandline shell utilities)
provided by Unix-y operating systems. When you write your programs to rely on POSIX
standards, you can be pretty sure to be able to port them easily among a large family of
Unix derivatives (including Linux, but not limited to it!); if and when you use some
Linux API that's not standardized as part of Posix, you will have a harder time if and
when you want to port that program or library to other Unix-y systems (e.g., MacOSX) in
the future.

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