Wednesday 17 January 2018

javascript - Node.js use returned object from async function

I'm new on Node.js, I want to scrap some data from other
website that no legal issue related, But there is some problem because of Node.js's
asynchronous. Please see below code that request to some url and parsing document using

getPrices() {
var url =

request(url, function (err, res,
html) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
var prices =

for(var i=0; i<10; i++){
prices[i] =





problem with above code, So I want to display returned object, so

var prices =

console.log(prices); // ---> undefined

I want to display to
console the returned object, but it shown undefined. I test
same structure code without stream task, It works well. So I guess the
console.log tried before getPrices()
not yet completed. How can I show this object properly?

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