Wednesday 1 January 2020

regex - Use non-consuming regular expression in pySpark sql functions

How can I use existing pySpark sql functions to find non-consuming regular expression patterns in a string column?

The following is reproducible, but does not give the desired results.

import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import (
functions as F)

spark = (SparkSession.builder

sc = spark.sparkContext
sc.version # u'2.2.0'

testdf = spark.createDataFrame([

(1, "Julie", "CEO"),
(2, "Janice", "CFO"),
(3, "Jake", "CTO")],
["ID", "Name", "Title"])

ptrn = '(?=Ja)(?=ke)'

testdf.withColumn('contns_ptrn', testdf.Name.rlike(ptrn) ).show()

| ID| Name|Title|contns_ptrn|
| 1| Julie| CEO| false|
| 2|Janice| CFO| false|
| 3| Jake| CTO| false|

testdf.withColumn('contns_ptrn', F.regexp_extract(F.col('Name'), ptrn, 1)).show()

| ID| Name|Title|contns_ptrn|
| 1| Julie| CEO| |
| 2|Janice| CFO| |
| 3| Jake| CTO| |


testdf.withColumn('contns_ptrn', F.regexp_replace(F.col('Name'), ptrn, '')).show()

| ID| Name|Title|contns_ptrn|
| 1| Julie| CEO| Julie|

| 2|Janice| CFO| Janice|
| 3| Jake| CTO| Jake|

The desired results would be:

| ID| Name|Title|contns_ptrn|

| 1| Julie| CEO| false|
| 2|Janice| CFO| false|
| 3| Jake| CTO| true|

As the third row in the Name column contains 'Ja' and 'ke'.

If regexp_extract or regexp_replace are able to extract or replace non-consuming regular expression patterns, then I could also use them together with length to get a Boolean column.

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