Wednesday 1 January 2020

Object comparison in JavaScript

What is the best way to compare objects in JavaScript?


var user1 = {name : "nerd", org: "dev"};
var user2 = {name : "nerd", org: "dev"};
var eq = user1 == user2;

alert(eq); // gives false

I know that two objects are equal if they refer to the exact same object, but is there a way to check if they have the same attributes' values?

The following way works for me, but is it the only possibility?

var eq = Object.toJSON(user1) == Object.toJSON(user2);
alert(eq); // gives true


Unfortunately there is no perfect way, unless you use _proto_ recursively and access all non-enumerable properties, but this works in Firefox only.

So the best I can do is to guess usage scenarios.

1) Fast and limited.

Works when you have simple JSON-style objects without methods and DOM nodes inside:

 JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2) 

The ORDER of the properties IS IMPORTANT, so this method will return false for following objects:

 x = {a: 1, b: 2};
y = {b: 2, a: 1};

2) Slow and more generic.

Compares objects without digging into prototypes, then compares properties' projections recursively, and also compares constructors.

This is almost correct algorithm:

function deepCompare () {
var i, l, leftChain, rightChain;

function compare2Objects (x, y) {
var p;

// remember that NaN === NaN returns false
// and isNaN(undefined) returns true
if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y) && typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
return true;

// Compare primitives and functions.
// Check if both arguments link to the same object.
// Especially useful on the step where we compare prototypes
if (x === y) {
return true;

// Works in case when functions are created in constructor.
// Comparing dates is a common scenario. Another built-ins?
// We can even handle functions passed across iframes

if ((typeof x === 'function' && typeof y === 'function') ||
(x instanceof Date && y instanceof Date) ||
(x instanceof RegExp && y instanceof RegExp) ||
(x instanceof String && y instanceof String) ||
(x instanceof Number && y instanceof Number)) {
return x.toString() === y.toString();

// At last checking prototypes as good as we can
if (!(x instanceof Object && y instanceof Object)) {

return false;

if (x.isPrototypeOf(y) || y.isPrototypeOf(x)) {
return false;

if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) {
return false;

if (x.prototype !== y.prototype) {
return false;

// Check for infinitive linking loops
if (leftChain.indexOf(x) > -1 || rightChain.indexOf(y) > -1) {
return false;

// Quick checking of one object being a subset of another.
// todo: cache the structure of arguments[0] for performance
for (p in y) {
if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) !== x.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
return false;
else if (typeof y[p] !== typeof x[p]) {
return false;

for (p in x) {
if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) !== x.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
return false;
else if (typeof y[p] !== typeof x[p]) {
return false;

switch (typeof (x[p])) {

case 'object':
case 'function':


if (!compare2Objects (x[p], y[p])) {
return false;


if (x[p] !== y[p]) {
return false;


return true;

if (arguments.length < 1) {
return true; //Die silently? Don't know how to handle such case, please help...
// throw "Need two or more arguments to compare";

for (i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {

leftChain = []; //Todo: this can be cached
rightChain = [];

if (!compare2Objects(arguments[0], arguments[i])) {
return false;

return true;

Known issues (well, they have very low priority, probably you'll never notice them):

  • objects with different prototype structure but same projection

  • functions may have identical text but refer to different closures

Tests: passes tests are from How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects?.

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