I have a Shiny application which pulls data from various APIs and databases. All the sensitive data pertaining to credentials, usernames, passwords etc. are stored in a config.yml
file. The code within the Shiny app calls variables within the config.yml
file for connecting to different APIs/databases.
I have also created an administrator login for the Shiny application and want to provide access to the administrator for making changes in the config.yml
file. The Shiny app has a separate tab called Admin
whiich opens up when the administrator logs in. How can I open the config.yml
file and allow edits by the administrator and save it?
I created a tab for the configuration file and using Shiny Ace as editor:
# UI
outputId = "someID",
value = read.delim("config.yml"),
placeholder = "Connection configuration file"
actionButton("save", label = "Save Configuration")
# Sever
observeEvent(input$save, {
write(x = input$someID, file = "config.yml")
print("file saved")
Then you can call to the config.yml and apply the configurations.
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