I am trying to copy and paste a range that includes blank cells into a single column on another sheet. I would like the blanks to be ignored.
Here is the Frankenstein code I am using at the moment it is slow and a bit cluncky picture included to better describe
I would like to expand on it so that multiple ranges can paste into the same column ie find the last cell with a value and paste into the next cell.
i have been told it should look something like this
'for r = 1 to 4
' for c = 1 to 8
' does rc have val,
' then copy to new sheet
' increment copy var
' increment c
' increment r
Sheets(Array("next record date")).Select
If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then
If Selection.Count > 1 Then
If Selection.Count <= Selection.Parent.Rows.Count Then
vaCells = Selection.Value
ReDim vOutput(1 To UBound(vaCells, 1) * UBound(vaCells, 2), 1 To 1)
For j = LBound(vaCells, 2) To UBound(vaCells, 2)
For i = LBound(vaCells, 1) To UBound(vaCells, 1)
If Len(vaCells(i, j)) > 0 Then
lRow = lRow + 1
vOutput(lRow, 1) = vaCells(i, j)
End If
Next i
Next j
Selection.Cells(1).Resize(lRow).Value = vOutput
End If
End If
End If
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