Tuesday 24 December 2019

Android Execute Asyntask within another class from another class

I have a class inside which there is another class that extends AsyncTask. As,

public class Dashboard extends Activity {
public class getUnreadMessageCount extends AsyncTask {
protected JSONObject doInBackground(){
*********some database stuff************

protected void onPostExecute(JSONObject json) {
count = Integer.parseInt(json.getString("messsage_count"));
// Set Text to the textview


Now I am using GCMIntentService Class for notification. How can I call and execute the getUnreadMessageCount in the following

private void sendNotification(String content_id, int type, String msg) {


I tried as

private void sendNotification(String content_id, int type, String msg) {
Dashboard dashboard = new Dashboard;
dashboard.Dashboard dashboard----

But it does not work. How could I solve this problem.

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