Tuesday 6 November 2018

performance - Why are loops always compiled into "do...while" style (tail jump)?

When trying to understand assembly (with compiler optimization on), I see this behavior:

A very basic loop like this

while (condition) {

Is often compiled into (pseudocode)

    ; outside_loop
jmp loop_condition ; unconditional
jmp_if_true loop_start
; outside_loop

However, if the optimization is not turned on, it compiles to normally understandable code:

jmp_if_false loop_end
jmp loop_condition ; unconditional

According to my understanding, the compiled code is better resembled by this:

goto condition;
do {
while (condition_check);

I can't see a huge performance boost or code readability boost, so why is this often the case? Is there a name for this loop style, for example "trailing condition check"?


Related: asm loop basics: While, Do While, For loops in Assembly Language (emu8086)

Fewer instructions / uops inside the loop = better. Structuring the code outside the loop to achieve this is very often a good idea.

Sometimes this requires "loop rotation" (peeling opposite parts of the first and last iterations so the actual loop body has the conditional branch at the bottom). So you do some of the first iteration and maybe skip the loop, then fall into the loop, then after it exits do the last part of the final iteration. Sometimes this extra useful if the last iteration is a special case, e.g. a store you need to skip. This lets you implement a while(1) {... ; if(x)break; ...; } loop as a do-while, or put one of the conditions of a multiple-condition loop at the bottom.

Some of these optimizations are related to or enable software pipelining, e.g. loading something for the next iteration. (OoO exec on x86 makes that not very important these days but it's useful for in-order cores like many ARM.)

do{}while() is the canonical / idiomatic structure for loops in asm on all architectures, get used to it. IDK if there's a name for it; I would say such a loop has a "do while structure". If you want names, you could call the while() structure "crappy unoptimized code" or "written by a novice". :P Loop-branch at the bottom is universal, and not even worth mentioning as a Loop Optimization. You always do that.

This pattern is so widely used that on CPUs that use static branch prediction for branches without an entry in the branch-predictor caches, unknown forward conditional branches are predicted not-taken, unknown backwards branches are predicted taken (because they're probably loop branches). See Static branch prediction on newer Intel processors on Matt Godbolt's blog, and Agner Fog's branch-prediction chapter at the start of his microarch PDF.

This answer ended up using x86 examples for everything, but much of this applies across the board for all architectures. I wouldn't be surprised if other superscalar / out-of-order implementations (like some ARM, or POWER) also have limited branch-instruction throughput whether they're taken or not. But fewer instructions inside the loop is nearly universal when all you have is a conditional branch at the bottom, and no unconditional branch.

If the loop might need to run zero times, compilers more often put a test-and-branch outside the loop to skip it, instead of jumping to the loop condition at the bottom. (i.e. if the compiler can't prove the loop condition is always true on the first iteration).

BTW, this paper calls transforming while() to if(){ do{}while; } an "inversion", but loop inversion usually means inverting a nested loop. (e.g. if the source loops over a row-major multi-dimensional array in the wrong order, a clever compiler could change for(i) for(j) a[j][i]++; into for(j) for(i) a[j][i]++; if it can prove it's correct.) But I guess you can look at the if() as a zero-or-one iteration loop. Fun fact, compiler devs teaching their compilers how to invert a loop (to allow auto-vectorization) for a (very) specific case is why SPECint2006's libquantum benchmark is "broken". Most compilers can't invert loops in the general case, just ones that looks almost exactly like the one in SPECint2006...

You can help the compiler make more compact asm (fewer instructions outside the loop) by writing do{}while() loops in C when you know the caller isn't allowed to pass size=0 or whatever else guarantees a loop runs at least once.

(Actually 0 or negative for signed loop bounds. Signed vs. unsigned loop counters is a tricky optimization issue, especially if you choose a narrower type than pointers; check your compiler's asm output to make sure it isn't sign-extending a narrow loop counter inside the loop very time if you use it as an array index. But note that signed can actually be helpful, because the compiler can assume that i++ <= bound will eventually become false, because signed overflow is UB but unsigned isn't. So with unsigned, while(i++ <= bound) is infinite if bound = UINT_MAX.) I don't have a blanket recommendation for when to use signed vs. unsigned; size_t is often a good choice for looping over arrays, though, but if you want to avoid the x86-64 REX prefixes in the loop overhead (for a trivial saving in code size) but convince the compiler not to waste any instructions zero or sign-extending, it can be tricky.

I can't see a huge performance boost

Here's an example where that optimization will give speedup of 2x on Intel CPUs before Haswell, because P6 and SnB/IvB can only run branches on port 5, including not-taken conditional branches.

Required background knowledge for this static performance analysis: Agner Fog's microarch guide (read the Sandybridge section). Also read his Optimizing Assembly guide, it's excellent. (Occasionally outdated in places, though.) See also other x86 performance links in the tag wiki. See also Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all? for some static analysis backed up by experiments with perf counters, and some explanation of fused vs. unfused domain uops.

You could also use Intel's IACA software (Intel Architecture Code Analyzer) to do static analysis on these loops.

; sum(int []) using SSE2 PADDD (dword elements)
; edi = pointer, esi = end_pointer.
; scalar cleanup / unaligned handling / horizontal sum of XMM0 not shown.

; NASM syntax
ALIGN 16 ; not required for max performance for tiny loops on most CPUs
.looptop: ; while (edi cmp edi, esi ; 32-bit code so this can macro-fuse on Core2

jae .done ; 1 uop, port5 only (macro-fused with cmp)
paddd xmm0, [edi] ; 1 micro-fused uop, p1/p5 + a load port
add edi, 16 ; 1 uop, p015
jmp .looptop ; 1 uop, p5 only

; Sandybridge/Ivybridge ports each uop can use
.done: ; }

This is 4 total fused-domain uops (with macro-fusion of the cmp/jae), so it can issue from the front-end into the out-of-order core at one iteration per clock. But in the unfused domain there are 4 ALU uops and Intel pre-Haswell only has 3 ALU ports.

More importantly, port5 pressure is the bottleneck: This loop can execute at only one iteration per 2 cycles because cmp/jae and jmp both need to run on port5. Other uops stealing port5 could reduce practical throughput somewhat below that.

Writing the loop idiomatically for asm, we get:

.looptop: ; do {
paddd xmm0, [edi] ; 1 micro-fused uop, p1/p5 + a load port
add edi, 16 ; 1 uop, p015

cmp edi, esi ; 1 uop, port5 only (macro-fused with cmp)
jb .looptop ; } while(edi < end_pointer);

Notice right away, independent of everything else, that this is one fewer instruction in the loop. This loop structure is at least slightly better on everything from simple non-pipelined 8086 through classic RISC (like early MIPS), especially for long-running loops (assuming they don't bottleneck on memory bandwidth).

Core2 and later should run this at one iteration per clock, twice as fast as the while(){}-structured loop, if memory isn't a bottleneck (i.e. assuming L1D hits, or at least L2 actually; this is only SSE2 16-bytes per clock).

This is only 3 fused-domain uops, so can issue at better than one per clock on anything since Core2, or just one per clock if issue groups always end with a taken branch.

But the important part is that port5 pressure is vastly reduced: only cmp/jb needs it. The other uops will probably be scheduled to port5 some of the time and steal cycles from loop-branch throughput, but this will be a few % instead of a factor of 2. See How are x86 uops scheduled, exactly?.

Most CPUs that normally have a taken-branch throughput of one per 2 cycles can still execute tiny loops at 1 per clock. There are some exceptions, though. (I forget which CPUs can't run tight loops at 1 per clock; maybe Bulldozer-family? Or maybe just some low-power CPUs like VIA Nano.) Sandybridge and Core2 can definitely run tight loops at one per clock. They even have loop buffers; Core2 has a loop buffer after instruction-length decode but before regular decode. Nehalem and later recycle uops in the queue that feeds the issue/rename stage. (Except on Skylake with microcode updates; Intel had to disable the loop buffer because of a partial-register merging bug.)

However, there is a loop-carried dependency chain on xmm0: Intel CPUs have 1-cycle latency paddd, so we're right up against that bottleneck, too. add esi, 16 is also 1 cycle latency. On Bulldozer-family, even integer vector ops have 2c latency, so that would bottleneck the loop at 2c per iteration. (AMD since K8 and Intel since SnB can run two loads per clock, so we need to unroll anyway for max throughput.) With floating point, you definitely want to unroll with multiple accumulators. Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? (Unrolling FP loops with multiple accumulators).

If I'd used an indexed addressing mode, like paddd xmm0, [edi + eax], I could have used sub eax, 16 / jnc at the loop condition. SUB/JNC can macro-fuse on Sandybridge-family, but the indexed load would un-laminate on SnB/IvB (but stay fused on Haswell and later, unless you use the AVX form).

    ; index relative to the end of the array, with an index counting up towards zero
add rdi, rsi ; edi = end_pointer
xor eax, eax
sub eax, esi ; eax = -length, so [rdi+rax] = first element

.looptop: ; do {
paddd xmm0, [rdi + rax]
add eax, 16
jl .looptop ; } while(idx+=16 < 0); // or JNC still works

(It's usually better to unroll some to hide the overhead of pointer increments instead of using indexed addressing modes, especially for stores, partly because indexed stores can't use the port7 store AGU on Haswell+.)

On Core2/Nehalem add/jl don't macro-fuse, so this is 3 fused-domain uops even in 64-bit mode, without depending on macro-fusion. Same for AMD K8/K10/Bulldozer-family/Ryzen: no fusion of the loop condition, but PADDD with a memory operand is 1 m-op / uop.

On SnB, paddd un-laminates from the load, but add/jl macro-fuse, so again 3 fused-domain uops. (But in the unfused domain, only 2 ALU uops + 1 load, so probably fewer resource conflicts reducing throughput of the loop.)

On HSW and later, this is 2 fused-domain uops because an indexed load can stay micro-fused with PADDD, and add/jl macro-fuses. (Predicted-taken branches run on port 6, so there are never resource conflicts.)

Of course, the loops can only run at best 1 iteration per clock because of taken branch throughput limits even for tiny loops. This indexing trick is potentially useful if you had something else to do inside the loop, too.

But all of these loops had no unrolling

Yes, that exaggerates the effect of loop overhead. But gcc doesn't unroll by default even at -O3 (unless it decides to fully unroll). It only unrolls with profile-guided optimization to let it know which loops are hot. (-fprofile-use). You can enable -funroll-all-loops, but I'd only recommend doing that on a per-file basis for a compilation unit you know has one of your hot loops that needs it. Or maybe even on a per-function basis with an __attribute__, if there is one for optimization options like that.

So this is highly relevant for compiler-generated code. (But clang does default to unrolling tiny loops by 4, or small loops by 2, and extremely importantly, using multiple accumulators to hide latency.)

Benefits with very low iteration count:

Consider what happens when the loop body should run once or twice: There's a lot more jumping with anything other than do{}while.

  • For do{}while, execution is a straight-line with no taken branches and one not-taken branch at the bottom. This is excellent.

  • For an if() { do{}while; } that might run the loop zero times, it's two not-taken branches. That's still very good. (Not-taken is slightly cheaper for the front-end than taken when both are correctly predicted).

  • For a jmp-to-the-bottom jmp; do{}while(), it's one taken unconditional branch, one taken loop condition, and then the loop branch is not-taken. This is kinda clunky but modern branch predictors are very good...

  • For a while(){} structure, this is one not-taken loop exit, one taken jmp at the bottom, then one taken loop-exit branch at the top.

With more iterations, each loop structure does one more taken branch. while(){} also does one more not-taken branch per iteration, so it quickly becomes obviously worse.

The latter two loop structures have more jumping around for small trip counts.

Jumping to the bottom also has a disadvantage for non-tiny loops that the bottom of the loop might be cold in L1I cache if it hasn't run for a while. Code fetch / prefetch is good at bringing code to the front-end in a straight line, but if prediction didn't predict the branch early enough, you might have a code miss for the jump to the bottom. Also, parallel decode will probably have (or could have) decoded some of the top of the loop while decoding the jmp to the bottom.

Conditionally jumping over a do{}while loop avoids all that: you only jump forwards into code that hasn't been run yet in cases where the code you're jumping over shouldn't run at all. It often predicts very well because a lot of code never actually takes 0 trips through the loop. (i.e. it could have been a do{}while, the compiler just didn't manage to prove it.)

Jumping to the bottom also means the core can't start working on the real loop body until after the front-end chases two taken branches.

There are cases with complicated loop conditions where it's easiest to write it this way, and the performance impact is small, but compilers often avoid it.

Loops with multiple exit conditions:

Consider a memchr loop, or a strchr loop: they have to stop at the end of the buffer (based on a count) or the end of an implicit-length string (0 byte). But they also have to break out of the loop if they find a match before the end.

So you'll often see a structure like

do {
if () break;

blah blah;
} while(condition);

Or just two conditions near the bottom. Ideally you can test multiple logical conditions with the same actual instruction (e.g. 5 < x && x < 25 using sub eax, 5 / cmp eax, 20 / ja .outside_range, unsigned compare trick for range checking, or combine that with an OR to check for alphabetic characters of either case in 4 instructions) but sometimes you can't and just need to use an if()break style loop-exit branch as well as a normal backwards taken branch.

Sort of off topic:

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