Saturday 24 November 2018

c++ - Visual studio 2010, project linking with cuda files

I hope I have a simple problem, but I could not solve it during this day, so I ask for your help.

So, I`m building CUDA project in Visual studio 2010, using CUDA toolkit.

My project contains several files, and the three most important are:


//contains two fuctions, the first is cuda kernel, and the second is it`s wrapper, to call it in .cpp files

template < typename _T >

__ global __ void DaxpyKernel(lint64 _m, lint64 _na, lint64 _nb, _T *_amatr, _T *_bmatr, _T *_cmatr)

template < typename _T >
void DaxpyKernelWrapper(lint64 _m, lint64 _na, lint64 _nb, _T *_amatr, _T *_bmatr, _T *_cmat)


//contains wrapper fuction`s prototipe

template < typename _T >
void DaxpyKernelWrapper(lint64 _m, lint64 _na, lint64 _nb, _T *_amatr, _T *_bmatr, _T *_cmat);


//it just calls DaxpyKernelWrapper fuction and includes tvector_traits_kernel.h

but while linking I have an error:
Error 3 error LNK2019: external symbol unresolved "void __cdecl DaxpyKernelWrapper(__int64,__int64,__int64,float *,float *,float *)" (??$DaxpyKernelWrapper@M@@YAX_J00PAM11@Z) in functions "public: static void __cdecl CTVect_traits::CudaBlockDaxpy(__int64,__int64,__int64,float *,float *,float *)" (?CudaBlockDaxpy@?$CTVect_traits@M@@SAX_J00PAM11@Z) C:\Users\ckhgjh\Documents\GPU\Tesis\Test\test.obj Test

I wonder why, becouse "" is in projects source files, its objective file was sucsessfully created.

I`m new in Visual studio, previously I used gcc, so I managed linking process myself.
So my question may be very stupid :(

Thank you for your attention!

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