Monday 26 November 2018

java - Mockito and string objects

I've started playing around with mockito today and I've encountered a problem. This is the class I'm trying to create test cases on:

public class SearchWebService {

private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SearchWebService.class);


UserServiceInterface userService;

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8")
public List getJSONFromSearchResults(@PathParam("searchstring") String searchString, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {"getJSONFromSearchResults called");

//Users own email

String ownemail = request.getRemoteUser();

if (searchString.contains(" ")) {
//Split String in two at first space
String names[] = searchString.split("\\s+", 2);

List userList = userService.searchByFullName(names[0], names[1], ownemail);
if (userList.size() > 0) {
return userList;
} //Check for cases where the last name contains spaces

else {
return userService.searchByLastName(searchString, ownemail);
return userService.searchBySingleName(searchString, ownemail);

I'm at searchString.contains(" ") and I'm trying to invoke "when(...).thenReturn(...)" But mockito throws an exception saying that "Cannot mock/spy class java.lang.String" I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly when testing this web service. Maybe there is some otherway to do this? Here is my test class:

public class SearchWebServiceTest {

UserServiceInterface mockedUserService;
Logger mockedLogger;
HttpServletRequest mockedRequest;

String mockedString;
List mockedUserList;

public void setUp() throws Exception {


public void testGetJSONFromSearchResultsSpace() throws Exception {
when("StringWithSpace".contains(" ")).thenReturn(true);
when("StringWitchSpace".split("\\s+", 2)).thenReturn(null);
when(mockedUserService.searchByFullName("name1", "name2", "email")).thenReturn(mockedUserList);
assertTrue(mockedUserList.size() > 0);


you cannot mock final classes (like String). This is a known limitation of the framework.

You can refer this link.

Mockito Verification Not Failing

I hope it helps !!!

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