Tuesday 2 July 2019

php - Match a^n b^n c^n (e.g. "aaabbbccc") using regular expressions (PCRE)

My question is: How far can you go?

In the interests of not creating code that is an unreadable morass of punctuation, I'm going to risk the downvotes and answer a different, though very much related, question: how far should you go?

Regular expression parsers are a brilliant thing to have in your toolkit but they are not the be all and end all of programming. The ability to write parsers in a readable manner is also a brilliant thing to have in your toolkit.

Regular expressions should be used right up to the point where they start making your code hard to understand. Beyond that, their value is dubious at best, damaging at worst. For this specific case, rather than using something like the hideous:


(with apologies to NikiC), which the vast majority of people trying to maintain it are either going to have to replace totally or spend substantial time reading up on and understanding, you may want to consider something like a non-RE, "proper-parser" solution (pseudo-code):

# Match "aa...abb...bcc...c" where:
# - same character count for each letter; and
# - character count is one or more.

def matchABC (string str):

# Init string index and character counts.
index = 0
dim count['a'..'c'] = 0

# Process each character in turn.
for ch in 'a'..'c':
# Count each character in the subsequence.
while index < len(str) and str[index] == ch:

# Failure conditions.
if index != len(str): return false # did not finish string.
if count['a'] < 1: return false # too few a characters.
if count['a'] != count['b']: return false # inequality a and b count.
if count['a'] != count['c']: return false # inequality a and c count.

# Otherwise, it was okay.
return true

This will be far easier to maintain in the future. I always like to suggest to people that they should assume those coming after them (who have to maintain the code they write) are psychopaths who know where you live - in my case, that may be half right, I have no idea where you live :-)

Unless you have a real need for regular expressions of this kind (and sometimes there are good reasons, such as performance in interpreted languages), you should optimise for readability first.

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