Wednesday 31 July 2019

go - Assign additional field when unmarshalling JSON object to struct

What is the best way to assign additional field to struct and all it references sub-structure when encoding it from []byte and this field is not a part of unmarshalling []byte?

Let me clarify by example...

  1. We have a few struct:

type Update struct {
UpdateID int32 `json:"update_id"`
Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"`

type Message struct {
MessageID int32 `json:"message_id"`
From *User `json:"from,omitempty"`
Date int32 `json:"date"`
Chat Chat `json:"chat"`

  1. Our core struct is APIClient and it has many methods for send something or get something (API wrapper)

type API struct {
Token string
PollInt int32
URL string

client *http.Client

func(a *API) ... () {


func(a *API) ... () {



  1. Main loop poller make http request and return json response as "res" – []byte, so we can use json.Unmarshal to map it to special Update struct

func (a *API) GetUpdates(ctx context.Context, gu *GetUpdates) ([]Update, error) {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(gu)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getupdates: %s", err)

res, err := a.DoRequest(&ctx, "getUpdates", &buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getupdates: %s", err)

var result []Update
err = json.Unmarshal(res.Result, &result)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getupdates: %s", err)

return result, nil

  1. Is it any way to extend ALL structs in unmarhsaling chain for a additional field when use json.Unmarshal

type Update struct {
UpdateID int32 `json:"update_id"`
Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"`

API `json:"-"`

type Message struct {
MessageID int32 `json:"message_id"`
From *User `json:"from,omitempty"`
Date int32 `json:"date"`
Chat Chat `json:"chat"`

API `json:"-"`

So we can do something like:

var result []Update
err = json.Unmarshal(res.Result, &result, api)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getupdates: %s", err)

And then use it:

func (u *Update) RejectUpdate(cause string) {
m.API.SendMessage(u.Chat.ID, text)
m.API.Reject(u.ID, cause)
func (m *Message) SendReply(text string) {
m.API.SendMessage(m.Chat.ID, text)

All struct will be extended by api (embedded struct) on unmarshaling...

My thoughts about solution:

  1. Patch standard encoding/json library – not a good choice

  2. Get custom encoding library and rewrite a little bit – questionable choice

  3. Manually unmarshal all object – awful code

type Bot struct {
superCLient string

type Image struct {
Name string
Path string

*Bot `json:"-"`

type FormFile struct {
Img *Image
Name string

*Bot `json:"-"`

func main() {
data := []byte(`{"Img": {"Name": "Vi", "Path": "/etc/log"}, "Name": "Josh"}`)
bot := &Bot{
superCLient: "ClientExample",
var omg FormFile
omg.CustomUnmarshal(data, bot)

func (ff *FormFile) CustomUnmarshal(data []byte, bot *Bot) error {
var f map[string]*json.RawMessage
json.Unmarshal(data, &f)

var i Image
i.CustomUnmarshal(*f["Img"], bot)
ff.Img = &i

json.Unmarshal(*f["Name"], ff.Name)

ff.Bot = bot

return nil

func (img *Image) CustomUnmarshal(data []byte, bot *Bot) error {
err := json.Unmarshal(data, img)
img.Bot = bot
return err

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