Saturday 6 July 2019

Compile error when linking against two libraries in C++

compile command:

 g++  ast01.cpp -o ast01 -lglu -lglut


/usr/bin/ld: error: cannot find -lglu
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function displaySpiral(): error: undefined reference to 'glClear'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function displaySpiral(): error: undefined reference to 'glBegin'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function displaySpiral(): error: undefined reference to 'glColor3ub'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function displaySpiral(): error: undefined reference to 'glEnd'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function displaySpiral(): error: undefined reference to 'glFlush'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function openGLinit(int, char**): error: undefined reference to 'glClearColor'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function openGLinit(int, char**): error: undefined reference to 'glMatrixMode'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function openGLinit(int, char**): error: undefined reference to 'glLoadIdentity'
/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function openGLinit(int, char**): error: undefined reference to 'gluOrtho2D'

/tmp/ccjQZPPr.o:ast01.cpp:function openGLinit(int, char**): error: undefined reference to 'glMatrixMode'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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