Thursday, 11 July 2019

character - Why do Jerry and Newman dislike each other? - Movies & TV

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Throughout Seinfeld, Jerry and Newman have an adversarial relationship, marked by the infamous exchange of "Hello, Jerry" "Hello, Newman." While at times they get along (In "The Barber," (S5E8) Jerry allows Newman to use his bathroom and invites him to watch Edward Scissorhands with him), or work together (In "The Andrea Doria," (S8E10) Jerry helps Newman deliver mail on his route so that Newman can get a promotion to the Hawaii so he'll move away from Jerry), the general dynamic of the relationship never changes.

Why do Jerry and Newman dislike each other?


The reason for the animosity is never revealed explicitly on the show, however, Jerry Seinfeld gave a reason in commentary to the DVDs as explained in the Newman (Seinfeld) Wikipedia entry under Personality:

When asked about why the character Jerry hates Newman, Jerry Seinfeld
explained it in the Season 3 DVD inside look of the show:

He was the first person on the show, my own show, who was coming
on to sabotage me in some way. And so why would I not hate him forever
for that?

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