Saturday 22 June 2019

Angularjs resolve with controller as string



My style of writing angular controllers is like this (using controller name instead of function)

angular.module('mymodule', [
.controller('myController', [
function($scope) {

// Some code here


What I need now is when providing i routes I want to define resolve part:

 $routeProvider.when('/someroute', {
templateUrl: 'partials/someroute.html',

resolve: myController.resolve}) // THIS IS THE CRITICAL LINE

Since controller is defined as a name how to accomplish resolve part bellow?

To clarify more in details I want to load some data from server before route is resolved and then use these data in controller.

UPDATE: To be more precise I want each module has its "resolve" function that will be called before root with that controller is executed. Solution in this post (answered by Misko Hevery) does exactly what I want but I don't have controllers as functions but as a names.


The controller definition and resolve parts are to be specified separately on the route definition.

If you define controllers on a module level you need to reference them as string, so:

 $routeProvider.when('/someroute', {
templateUrl: 'partials/someroute.html',
controller: 'myController',
resolve: {
myVar: function(){
//code to be executed before route change goes here


The above code also shows how to define a set of variables that will be resolved before route changes. When resolved those variables can be injected to a controller so taking the example from the snippet above you would write your controller like so:

.controller('myController', ['$scope', 'myVar', function($scope, myVar) {
// myVar is already resolved and injected here

This video might help as well:

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