Friday 28 June 2019

java - Making a concat operator to add char array to a string. Printing a reference variable of a string object

You are trying to print an Object :

System.out.println(hello);  // right now this prints MyString@558ee9d6

In this case your MyString class

Make the get method to your variable oneString.

public String getOneString() {return this.oneString;}

and then call


Another problem


You concat method receives a string and not a MyString class

You may want to do this



public String concat ( MyString myS)
String s = myS.getOneString();
String result = oneString + s;
return result;

Final result:

public class Tester { public static void main (String[] args)

MyString hello = new MyString("hello");
char[] arr = {'g','o','o','d','b','y','e' };
MyString goodbye = new MyString(arr);

System.out.println(hello.equals(goodbye)); // works, prints false
System.out.println(hello.equals(hello)); //works, prints true

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