Monday 6 May 2019

angularjs - Suppress reloading of ui-router based view on query parameter change

Updated question

Question in title still stands - is it possible to catch ?parameters and cancel view reload.

Original question:
I need to add anchor support for my application (anchors to topics).

Here's how far I am:

angular.module('app.topics', [
.config(function config($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('viewtopic', {
url: '/topics/:slug?section',

onEnter: function($stateParams) {
// Works, as state has been reloaded.
console.log('$stateParams', $stateParams);
resolve: {
topic: function ($stateParams, Topic) {
// Wrapper around Restangular. Returns promise.
return new Topic().get($stateParams.slug);

views: {
'main': {
controller: 'TopicCtrl',
templateUrl: 'topics/templates/details.tpl.html'
'sidebar': {
controller: 'SidebarCtrl',
templateUrl: 'topics/templates/sidebar.tpl.html'


angular.module('app.topics.controllers', [])
.controller('TopicCtrl', function ($scope, topic, $rootScope, $location,
$anchorScroll, $stateParams) {
$scope.topic = topic;
$scope.slug = $stateParams.slug;
$scope.section = $stateParams.section;
// ..

$scope.$watch('$stateParams.section', function (newValue, newValue) {
// Does not work.
console.log('stateParams.section changed', newValue, newValue);

My root issue is when I click on link with #/topics/slug-name?section=section-1, state is reloaded completely, which in turn re-requests data for Topic. How can one just "refresh" query parameters (and catch that event in controller) but don't reload state (to keep data loaded)?


For my issue there is a rather simple solution which I've failed to notice -
per AngularJS documentation on "Hashbang and HTML5 Modes" - last hash is accessible via $location.hash() and scrolling can be initiated by $anchorScroll()

So my current solution is:

In controller:

$scope.$watch('$location.hash', function () {


Defer is needed because content may not be parsed yet and there are no id's.

In template I just had to set target to #/topics/slug-name#section-name.


Have you tried reloadOnSearch parameter within routes definition?

resolve: {
reloadOnSearch: false

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