Wednesday 29 May 2019

analysis - What is the relationship between the three intertwined stories of The Fountain?

In The Fountain (2006) there are three separate but related stories told in parallel--Imperial Spain, present day, and .. um, space bubble. Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz play the leading lad and lady in each.

Can we consider space bubble "Tom" to be one and the same with present-day "Tommy" after some years have passed? Or is it more symbolic just as Imperial Spain "Tomas" was an envisioning of Izzy's novel?

I ask because it is possible that the doctor/researcher Tommy, who towards the end declares that "Death is a disease", actually manages to find the cure. He could then become immortal and eventually take Izzy's tree in the space bubble to Xibalba.

The linking of these two story threads explains Tom's visions of Izzy amongst other things. However I also feel it betrays the message I got from the film--namely that we cannot win against death--and that at the end Tommy accepted Izzy's passing and stopped his search for a cure for death.


I think that could be reading too much into it and drawing conclusions that are not there. However, that is not to say that isn't the director's intentions as the whole movie is one big symbolic piece.

The way it plays out to me is that the movie is suppose to represent these 2 lovers intertwined in destiny and almost cursed to play out the same role of loving man and dying woman for eternity, no matter the time period.

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