Monday 28 October 2019

excel - VBA Worksheet Sub Create Named Range in Another Worksheet

I have a private sub that needs to create named ranges within another worksheet. It needs to stay a worksheet function, as it is a Worksheet_Change sub. I have successfully been able to set a range variable equal to a range on another sheet with this line:

Set rng2 = Sheets("Lists").Range(Sheets("Lists").Cells(2, Col), Sheets("Lists").Cells(Unique, Col))

However, when I put rng2 into the other portion of my code, it simply refers to the correct range within the Active Sheet.

Here is what I have tried:

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Level" & Col, RefersTo:= _
"= " & Sheets("Lists").Range(Sheets("Lists").Cells(2, Col), Sheets("Lists").Cells(Unique, Col)).Address & ""


ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Level" & Col, RefersTo:= _
"=" & rng2.Address & ""

The bottom function works when it is within a module stored inside the workbook as a whole, but again, does not work within a worksheet sub.
I have also tried Sheets("Lists").rng2.Address in the bottom attempt.


To have the address include the sheet's name, you have to set the external parameter:


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