Sunday 29 September 2019

c# - How do I make a unit test to test a method that checks request headers?

I am very, very new to unit testing and am trying to write a test for a pretty simple method:

public class myClass : RequireHttpsAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthoizationContext filterContext)

var request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
var header = Convert.ToBoolean(request.Headers["Special-Header-Name"]);

if (!(header || request.IsSecureConnection))

This method, which inherits from the RequireHttpsAttribute, checks if a certain header is present from a page, if it's missing or false, and the page is not secure, then it will call HandleNonHttpsRequest, otherwise it does nothing.

We are using Moq and Nunit for testing. I have found some resources to help build a fakeHttpContext with Moq, but honestly I'm not sure how to use it or where to go within my unit tests to ensure that fake HttpContexts are or are not causing the HandleNonHttpsRequest method to call.

I really appreciate any guidance with this issue.


// arrange
var context = new Mock();
var request = new Mock();

var headers = new NameValueCollection
{ "Special-Header-Name", "false" }
request.Setup(x => x.Headers).Returns(headers);
request.Setup(x => x.HttpMethod).Returns("GET");
request.Setup(x => x.Url).Returns(new Uri(""));
request.Setup(x => x.RawUrl).Returns("/home/index");
context.Setup(x => x.Request).Returns(request.Object);
var controller = new Mock();

var actionDescriptor = new Mock();
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(context.Object, new RouteData(), controller.Object);
var filterContext = new AuthorizationContext(controllerContext, actionDescriptor.Object);
var sut = new myClass();

// act

// assert

Assert.IsInstanceOfType(filterContext.Result, typeof(RedirectResult));
var redirectResult = (RedirectResult)filterContext.Result;
Assert.AreEqual("", redirectResult.Url);

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