Tuesday 26 February 2019

bash - How do I prompt for Yes/No/Cancel input in a Linux shell script?

I want to pause input in a shell script, and prompt the user for choices. The standard 'Yes, No, or Cancel' type question. How do I accomplish this in a typical bash prompt?


The simplest and most widely available method to get user input at a shell prompt is the read command. The best way to illustrate its use is a simple demonstration:

while true; do
read -p "Do you wish to install this program?" yn
case $yn in

[Yy]* ) make install; break;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;

Another method, pointed out by Steven Huwig, is Bash's select command. Here is the same example using select:

echo "Do you wish to install this program?"

select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
case $yn in
Yes ) make install; break;;
No ) exit;;

With select you don't need to sanitize the input – it displays the available choices, and you type a number corresponding to your choice. It also loops automatically, so there's no need for a while true loop to retry if they give invalid input.

Also, Léa Gris demonstrated a way to make the request language agnostic in her answer. Adapting my first example to better serve multiple languages might look like this:

set -- $(locale LC_MESSAGES)
yesptrn="$1"; noptrn="$2"; yesword="$3"; noword="$4"

while true; do
read -p "Install (${yesword} / ${noword})? " yn
case $yn in
${yesptrn##^} ) make install; break;;
${noptrn##^} ) exit;;

* ) echo "Answer ${yesword} / ${noword}.";;

Obviously other communication strings remain untranslated here (Install, Answer) which would need to be addressed in a more fully completed translation, but even a partial translation would be helpful in many cases.

Finally, please check out the excellent answer by F. Hauri.

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