Monday 20 August 2018

javascript - What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?

I will try to explain it in a simple way.

Client-Side is what users see/ code, which is visible on the browser.

Client Side Programming includes HTML(HTML, HTML5, DHTML), CSS(CSS, CSS3) and JavaScript(JavaScript, ES5, ES6, ES7, TypeScript, JQuery, ReactJs, AngularJs, BackboneJs or any other JavaScript Front-end framework).

Client-Side programming focus on "how a page will look like" and its behavior over browsers.

  1. HTML is what we see.

  2. CSS decides its designing(Colours, Floating Images, Padding, etc.).

  3. JavaScript monitor page information. JavaScript does all the API calls and maintaining data over DOM.

Server-Side Programming includes code which provides data to Client-Side. The user is never able to see the server-side.

Server Side Programming involves Programming Language(Java, PHP, .Net, C#, C, C++, NodeJS etc), Database(SQL, Oracle, MySql, PostgreySql, No-Sql, MongoDB, etc), Third Party API(Rest, Soap), Business Logic.

Server-Side Programming focus on "how to make data available for Client-Side."

  1. Server-Side Language is responsible for communicating between different sources of data like database, third-party API, file system, blockchain, etc.. These languages maintain a particular API for client-side to interact with.

  2. The database is responsible for storing information.

  3. Business Logic defines "how to use data and what to do with data."

Client-Side request data or request to store data, from Server-side via API provided by Server-Side. This request and response of data are done by following HTTP/FTP protocol like REST API, SOAP API.

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