Tuesday 24 July 2018

c++ - How to use a single Template statement for more than one function or struct?

I've been trying to represent Stacks as a template, I used a struct and every thing is good, but every time I wanted to write a template function, I had to write the same template statement, which didn't seem correct -although working-

So how can I write one template statement for all the functions?, here is my code :

struct Stack
T Value;
Stack* next;
void Push(T Value,Stack* &Top)

Stack * Cell = new Stack();
Cell->Value = Value;
Cell->next = Top;
Top = Cell;
bool IsEmpty(Stack * Top)
return (Top==0);

void Pop(T &Value,Stack* &Top)
if (IsEmpty(Top))
cout * Temp = Top;
Value = Top->Value;
Top = Top->next;
delete Temp;

void GetTop(T &Value, Stack* &Top)
if (IsEmpty(Top))
cout Value;
void EmptyStack(Stack * &Top)

Stack * Temp;
while (!(IsEmpty(Top)))
Temp = Top;
Top = Top->next;
delete Temp;

Hope what I mean is clear now, sorry for the slight question :(

thanks in advance.


If (as appears to be the case based on your comment) you want them as free functions, you can't. You'll also have to change the Stack parameter, something like this:

void Push(T Value, Stack* &Top)
Stack * Cell = new Stack();

Cell->Value = Value;
Cell->next = Top;
Top = Cell;

As it stands, I'm not too excited about your design though. You try to use the Stack type as both an actual stack, and as a single node (Cell) in the stack. This is unnecessarily confusing at best.

Edit: As far as stack vs. node goes, what I'm talking about is (as in the code immediately above): Stack *Cell = new Stack(); -- you're allocating a single Cell that goes in the stack, but the type you're using for it is Stack.

I'd do something like this instead:

struct Stack {
struct node {
T data;
node *next;

node *head;


void push(T item, Stack *&s) {
Stack::node *n = new Stack:node();
n->data = item;
n->next = s->head;
s->head = n;

It doesn't make a lot of difference in what you're really doing, but when you're putting something onto a stack, allocating a Stack::node seems (at least to me) to make a lot more sense than allocating a Stack. A stack containing multiple nodes makes sense -- a Stack containing multiple stacks really doesn't.

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