Thursday 24 May 2018

r - : packages are not loaded

I wrote a Shiny App with R Shiny, I created an account on and every step worked with rsconnect, and rsconnect::deployApp('/path/to/my/app') open a new window where my app is supposed to be displayed.

The problem is that shinyapps cannot load the packages I used in my code.
The error message is :

An error has occurred

The application failed to start (exited with code 1).

Le chargement a nécessité le package : readxl

Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :

aucun package nommé ‘readxl’ n'est trouvé

(I just put the warning for one package but there's the same for every one of them)

What should I do ?


I finally found my mistake : I had called all of my packages like library("readxl") instead of library(readxl) (without quotation marks) in both app.R (where I write the shiny app) and data.R (where I do all my data stuff)

I removed the quotation marks and it works now

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